

Shareholders’ Meeting and an improving 2020 outlook

Shareholders’ Meeting
The Manitou Group is holding today a Shareholders’ Meeting during which it will be proposed to pay a €0.50 per share dividend to be paid out of reserves and to appoint Mrs Alexandra Matzneff as an independent director of the group.


Outlook for 2020
On the basis of the latest information available to the company, the commercial and financial performance anticipated by the company for the year 2020 looks more dynamic than initially expected. This will lead the group to slightly exceed its previously estimated 2020 revenue expectation of €1.550 million, and to deliver a current operating income of around 5.5% of sales revenues.

In a period of high volatility, the group has managed to adapt with agility to the difficulties of 2020, nevertheless strong uncertainties remain about the evolution of the economic environment in the short term.

Michel Denis, President & CEO

Read the press release