
Press Releases

Find out all the latest Manitou Group news here in our press releases.

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Events, CSR
4th edition of “On the way up”
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Events, CSR
4th edition of “On the way up”, the program dedicated to sustainability issues
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Financial release

The 2024 half-year results will be published on July 30, 2024.

Rencontres du Matériel Durable

The 6th “Rencontres du Matériel Durable” organized by the community of sustainable equipment stakeholders (CAMD) will take place on September 24, 2024


Events, CSR
4th edition of “On the way up”

Manitou Group presents the 4th edition of its annual "On the way up" event ...

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Events, CSR
4th edition of “On the way up”, the program dedicated to sustainability issues

Manitou Group announces the new edition of its "On the way up" digital even...

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+ 3,023instances of press coverage in 2023


The Manitou Group 2023 Universal Registration Document was filed with the AMF (French financial market authority) on April 18, 2024 in the Single European Electronic Format (ESEF). The document in ESEF format is available in the Regulated Information section of this site (in French only ).


Download here the PDF reproduction of the official version of the URD in ESEF format.

Manitou Group 2023 URD (PDF version)


Manitou Group has a dedicated team ready to respond to media professionals.

For any request for information or interviews, please contact Franck Lethorey: